Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) Anti Virus (Download, Install and Update)

Akhirnya Microsoft Security Esential final telah rilis, bagi anda yang lagi mencari-cari anti virus gratis MSE bisa menjadi suatu alternatif. Anti virus ini sendiri di siapkan untuk melengkapi security yang ada pada Windows 7. MSE tersedia untuk Windows XP 32 bit dan windows 7 32bit/64.

System Requirenment :

Operating System: Genuine Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3); Windows Vista (Gold, Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2); Windows 7

For Windows XP, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 500 MHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.
For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 1.0 GHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.
VGA display of 800 × 600 or higher.
140 MB of available hard disk space.
An Internet connection is required for installation and to download the latest virus and spyware definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials.
Internet Browser:
Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.
Microsoft Security Essentials also supports Windows XP Mode in Windows 7. For more information see the system requirements for Windows XP Mode in Windows 7

Cara Pencairan JSS Tripler

Cara pencairan JSS Tripler, Cara withdraw jss tripler.  Ikuti step by step berikut ini:

1.Login JSS Tripler DISINI,masukan data JSS anda

2.Masuk kehalaman ini,klik jss tripler

3.Masuk ke halaman jss access area,click here

4.Masuk ke halaman JSS System,klik tombol Financial

5. Geser ke bawah cari bagian seperti gambar di bawah ini, klick wihtdraw funds to jss

6.Masuk ke halaman ini klick start my withdrawal request

7.Masukan jumlah yang mau di withdraw, klick submit

8.Klik yes process this Transfer

9.Process Transfer dari Acount JSS Tripler ke main acount sukses

10.Proces selanjut nya withdrawal dari main acout JSS Tripler ke Liberty anda login kembali atau masuk ke halamanseperti gambar di bawah ini:

11.Masuk halaman ini klick here


13.Klik JSS di halaman ini

14.Pilih financial

15.Pilih Libert Resave

16.Masuk jumlah yang mau di withdraw klick submit

17.Klik yes, Process My Withdrawal!

18.Cara withdraw JSS Tripler ke liberty Resave Anda sudah berhasil.

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